From chaos to clarity this is my process

The caffeinated way is the Caroline way

  • 1. The idea

    One thing I have never lacked is imagination. This has led me to think of creative concepts for problems I see. I am inspired by the world around me. Where do my best ideas come from? Listening to people in coffee shops.

  • 2. Research

    Every great idea is backed by even better research. Starting with audience profiles, market positioning, target audience and competition. If my design is ever lacking or does not seem to be coming together I go back to the research. I fully understand my market or audience because I am confident in my thorough research.

  • 3. The Experience

    How someone experiences your design is a very important step to the success of your end product. I enjoy putting myself in other’s shoes and try to see my projects from a new perspective.

  • 4. Concept Ideation

    This is where the messy sketches and word maps come in. I always start on paper with a good pen before moving to the computer. Working through my ideas and taking the good ones to the screen.

  • 5. Design

    Now to the computer for the fun stuff! This is where colors, fonts, and layout come to life. Turning my sketches to reality through digital illustration, logo design, and pattern design.

  • 6. Feedback

    Present the work and take lots of notes on my critique. Process the critique and assess the comments, what do I want to change, improve, or keep the same.

  • 7. Refine

    Listening to the feedback I make adjustments where I see needed. Taking a step back from my designs and seeing them in a new light always helps.

  • 8. Put to bed.

    Although i could design and redesign forever at some point I have to put the design to bed. After rounds of refinement and different perspectives it’s ready to go!